Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ooh yeah (Part2)

OMG! I so hate my friend! Ok well... Alot of
things has been going on but who gives
a farting fart?! Mkay bye. Will try
and post again as soon as
possible, mkay?
Hah! k bye

You gotta highlight.Just realised it's in a shape
of a heart. xD mkay bye.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ooh yeah (Part1)

"I am in Miseryyy. <3"
   -Maroon 5

Hello, you idiots. Today I'll be posting about...
stuff. Random stuff. It's 11.20. Yes, I made a wish on 11.11 p.m.
Arghh I'm so darn sleepy. I'll make Part 2 of this post. mkay bye.

Totally unexpected

Mistake in previous blog post. I should have written or and not
of. KK

Fart doesn't just appear out of nowhere. Something
must have happened. But what?

HAHA. Omg, I can't even...

Meep. Mkay bye.

Farting Fart

I love Chritina Perri. It was unexpected.
"The world is coming down on me and I can't find a
reason to be loved."
   -Christina Perri

She's perfect. Literally. Mistake no.1: She has
crooked teeth. Who gives a farting fart?
Even if she uses braces of Invisalign,
her voice will change cause the teeth is moved
and then the jawline will also... like move. The she'll
sound different. Which I so totally hate!
She sounds good as she already is.
I don't give a fart. Not at all. Mkay bye.